The term ‘Foundation’ is not a legal term and it does not describe any particular type of legal structure.
The structure you might need for a Foundation will depend on things such as the purpose, activity, tax concessions, control and governance sought.
We can assist you with:
- Advice about optimum legal and tax structure to suit your purpose
- Establishment of Foundations and philanthropic funds (ancillary funds, necessitous circumstances funds, disaster relief funds, charitable funds, overseas aid, environment, research, library and school building funds)
- Applications to the ACNC and ATO
- Charitable tax concessions and deductible gift recipients
- Advice about restructure eg separation of risk into different entities or amalagamation
- Tax and regulatory compliance and risk assessments
- Revision of governance documents – generally or to meet ACNC or ATO requirements
- Preparation and amendment of governance documents – trust deed, constitutions, rules, policies, terms of reference, charters, by-laws
- Up to date practical relevant advice about changes to the law about charities and not-for-profits
- Compliance with legislation/ regulators requirements ACNC, ASIC, OFT, Fair Trading NSW, OSR