News and Articles

ATO focussing on NFP compliance 2022/2023

At the March 2022 ACNC Professional Users Forum of which I am proud to be a member, Jennifer Moltisanti, Assistant Commissioner Taxation, confirmed a number of key focus areas for the ATO in the NFP space in 2022/2023 including: Ancillary Funds (compliance with the relevant public ancillary or private ancillary guidelines) Not- for-profits which are […]

Call to action for NFPs claiming income tax exemption

A not-for-profit entity, if it is not a charity, is likely to be claiming income tax exemption under Division 50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.  Currently these entities are not required to report to the ATO, unless they receive a request to do so from the ATO. From 1st July 2023, all NFPs claiming […]

DGRs may lose DGR status from 14 December 2022

The following deductible gift recipient (DGR) entities: school building funds,  cultural organisations (ROCO registered entities) (e.g art galleries, libraries), environmental organisations (REO registered entities), necessitous circumstances funds, need to check whether they will be adversely impacted by recent amendments to the tax legislation (Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No.2 Bill) 2021. This amendment to the […]

Tax exemption for sports clubs

A sports club may be entitled to claim income tax exemption on the basis that it is an association with the main purpose of encouraging sport or a game. To qualify, a club must: have the main purpose of the encouragement of a game or sport; be a not-for-profit; and meet other special conditions. What […]
Lesleigh Mayes Brisbane not-for-profit lawyer

ACNC legislation review secrecy provisions

There have been some high- profile cases in the last few years about which the ACNC has been unable to publicly comment including Bella Gibson; RSL NSW; Greenpeace, due to issues of secrecy and privacy. The ACNC Review at broadly identified three areas where the current secrecy provisions overly restrict the extent to which the ACNC […]

Fund Raising Consultation Paper Released

ACNC Assistant Commissioner Anna Longley has this morning notified the ACNC Advisor Forum about the release of a consultation paper relating to charity fundraising for natural disasters You will recall that with the encouragement of Celeste Barber a huge sum was raised from the public for the victims of the black summer bushfires. Later a […]

Celebratory Announcements

I am very excited to announce that Heather Watson will provide legal services as a consultant under contract to Mayes Law from 1st July 2021. Heather’s warmth, breadth of experience, knowledge and talent is well known in the not-for-profit and charity sector. Heather and I have both worked very hard to ensure we are up to […]
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